Friday, May 30, 2008


Bloggers, block! If indeed there is a phrase like that, seems the best I can use in describing what I am experiencing today. It happens from time to time.It is like this: An idea comes to mind, I start off, scribbling the raw draft, and then it happens…suddenly! A feeling of having just been wiped clean of every thought process, and then blank …blank …and more blankness… The right words all seem eons away! An interesting phenomenon, it has no stereotyped pattern, it readily occurs at any point it deems fit, sometimes right after writing the title for the day's post.

Gosh! What do I do? One solution that readily comes to my mind is to take a break. I totally take my mind off writing and go do something else. Something not related to writing, even remotely. Most times, it works. Just as suddenly as they left, the right ideas and words start coming back to me.

Will I be wrong to assume I am not alone in this dilemma? I guess not! So if you feel me on this, please leave me a comment or send me a mail about your experiences and your unique way of overcoming it. Your reply will be featured in a subsequent post, along with your blog name and blog page link. That way, we get to help each other be better bloggers. You can also send this to your blog friends so they too can be part of it.

Thanks, Novbe.


Selerines said...

Hi friend... I am from India. Your blog looks pretty cool and nice. I am interested to share my link with you. Are you interested my friend? Please visit my “Selerines World” blog frequently and keep in touch there!!!! In that blog we will share our views about the international issues and problems. I hope you will accept my request. If you are interested, then please comment in my blog. Thank you!!!!

Sandra said...

Hello and first of all thank you for linking me (I'll return the same way :-))...bloggers' block, totally normal everywhere. Sometimes I'm inspired to write three or four days all the time, and then comes time when for a week I can't look at my PC, and not to, we all in the same "mess" :-)
Bye and good luck

Unknown said...

Since bloggers write, it's similar to writer's block.

The Activist said...

It's simple really, save what u have written so far, dont push it. Take a break. You might even snap back while taking a break and write a beautiful piece at the end of the day. It works